Here you can find documentation for Cantaloupe services, as well as our policies and patents.
In order to purchase Cantaloupe services, you will first need to execute our Services Agreement. We have a copy of that below, as well as T&Cs for purchase orders and for Cantaloupe One agreements.
6,754,641; 7,805,338; 7,003,289; 6,505,095; D543,588; 7,593,897; 7,630,939; 7,076,329; 7,693,602; 7,131,575; 8,596,529; 7,690,495; 7,464,867; 7,865,430; 8,373,558; 9,159,182; 9,619,795; 9,852,423; D727,428; 9,245,269; 8,788,341; 8,583,280; 8,103,380; 7,325,728; 7,385,504; 7,894,938; 8,571,705; 9,286,588; 8,311,867; D729,214; 9,898,884; 10,861,276; 10,169,980; 9,972,158; 7,286,907; 7,856,289; 6,801,836; 6,975,926; 7,200,467; 7,089,209; 6,684,197; 6,763,336
3039629 (Europe); 3129960 (Europe); 1534461 (Japan); 2001263356 (Australia); PI0111132-9 (Brazil); 2,409,228 (Canada); 1299680 (Europe); 234363 (Mexico); 60225149.4 (Germany); 1419425 (Europe)